History » 1914 - 1919 » Reflections on the Chapel » Wishes and Subjects

Hafeneth’s Wishes and Subjects

Extract from the MTA Magazine, No 20

Dear fellow Sodalists, This work helps to preserve me from the so-called trench madness. In addition I enjoy it. Now something about the goals of my work. To start with I consider it important:
1. To keep the contact between soldiers and Sodalists as warm as possible;
2. Through our Sodalists to interest as many outsiders as possible for our MTA magazine;
3. To explain the idea of the war memorial for our soldier-sodalists to everyone and to publicize our letter pages. The money we get for the stationary will serve to collect a basic sum of momey for our building fund. I have looked for various helpers such as Eise, Langner, Brunner, Haendly, to support me.

(12.8.1916) Hafeneth, sod. Mar.

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