History » 1914 - 1919 » Love for Mary » May Blossoms 1916

May Blossoms 1916 (Junior Sodality)

  1. Keeping the hour of adoration conscientiously. Trying during it to make Holy Communion the focal point of our day’s work.
  2. Conscientious in having a spiritual reading about Mary each day (at least ten minutes).
  3. In the course of May to write at least once to a fellow Sodalist who is a prisoner of war.
  4. Visit the Blessed Sacrament daily. Get up punctually.
  5. Pray the Sodality prayers well.
  6. To say only the most necessary things during study time, and to do so quietly.
  7. Talk to someone I don’t like each day.
  8. To carry out the Office conscientiously.
  9. Overcome the desire to criticize the superiors.
  10. Clean shoes properly each day.
  11. Work each day for the group. 1
  12. Avoid an entertaining conversation with the little ones.
  13. Join in enthusiastically in general games.
  14. Pray an Ave Maria daily for the fellow Sodalists who have fallen in battle, or who are prisoners of war.
  15. Cultivate practical good manners at table.
  16. Improve behaviour towards the superiors.
  17. Do someone a favour.
  18. Take active part in the meetings.
  19. Talk to someone about Mary.
  20. Keep silence in the dormitory.
  21. Recollected bearing at prayer.
  22. Make Sign of the Cross on waking.
  23. Daily renewal of the personal ideal.
  24. Oppose main inclination in a special way.
  25. Pray Rosary well.
  26. Fight against derogatory nicknames.
  27. Attend the May Devotions with the greatest possible recollection.
  28. Good resolution for the day’s work: Per Mariam ad Jesum (through Mary to Jesus).
  29. A Hail Mary for the welfare of the Section.
  30. Not to be offended at every opportunity.
  31. Private prayer in the morning and at night.
  32. Greet the statue of the Sacred Heart and the picture of our Lady.
  33. Daily Rosary: One mystery for the fallen Sodalists; one for good priests; one for the missionaries being sent to the missions; one for the intentions of the Pallottine Society.
  34. Morning and evening an act of reparation for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary.
  35. Conscientious fulfillment of duties: Studies, rules of the house.
  36. For the month of May a heroic act of love.
  37. Spiritual Communion.
  38. Place yourself in God’s presence.
  39. Careful examination of conscience. (Special resolution).
  40. Courtesy in dealing with others, be loving and self-sacrificing.
  41. Communicate with others with an apostolic attitude (conversation or letters).
  42. First and last thought morning or evening: Mary.
  43. Pray daily: Mother Thrice Admirable ...
  44. Do something to increase your love for your vocation.
  45. A short prayer to the Queen of May, eg., Memorae; Hail Holy Queen; We fly to your patronage.
  46. Daily a decade of the Rosary for the intentions of the Catholic Church in Germany.
  47. Special preparation for the meeting of the Section and group.

Handwritten Addition to the Original:

To the members of the Eucharist Section to choose the points and sign. Each one can choose a number of points in keeping with his sense of sacrifice, his personal disposition and his time, write them on a slip of paper (if possible quarto format) and check how he observed each point with a small tick behind each point.

The principle must be: Not too many, but carry out the few points well and conscientiously. Each must keep the first four points, because they were accepted at the last gathering by a resolution of the Section. At the end of may the slips of paper are collected with the May Blossoms and the total of all sacrifices will be announced by the Section.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus group will hand round an explanation of the heroic act of love to the Section.

You are asked to pass round this slip of paper as quickly as possible.


Baldauf, Bönki, Dedek, Duchêne, Eise, Friedrich J., Gehrmann, Göbel, Hagel, Hoffmann, Konder, Marschall, Meier, Quirmbach, Reusch, Schaefer Andreas, Schaefer Karl, Spangenberg, Struth, Tick, Trampert, Weber, Wergen, Zempel (Kandidat), Zenzen.

Note regarding the Office: By Office is meant the obligatory cleaning of the house.

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