To the members of the Eucharist Section to choose the points and sign. Each one can choose a number of points in keeping with his sense of sacrifice, his personal disposition and his time, write them on a slip of paper (if possible quarto format) and check how he observed each point with a small tick behind each point.
The principle must be: Not too many, but carry out the few points well and conscientiously. Each must keep the first four points, because they were accepted at the last gathering by a resolution of the Section. At the end of may the slips of paper are collected with the May Blossoms and the total of all sacrifices will be announced by the Section.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus group will hand round an explanation of the heroic act of love to the Section.
You are asked to pass round this slip of paper as quickly as possible.
Baldauf, Bönki, Dedek, Duchêne, Eise, Friedrich J., Gehrmann, Göbel, Hagel, Hoffmann, Konder, Marschall, Meier, Quirmbach, Reusch, Schaefer Andreas, Schaefer Karl, Spangenberg, Struth, Tick, Trampert, Weber, Wergen, Zempel (Kandidat), Zenzen.“
Note regarding the Office: By Office is meant the obligatory cleaning of the house.